How I Balance a Sales Career with Life

The ''4-Quarters'' Method

Read time: 2 mins

Want to build a Personal Brand that makes you money in 2024?

Thursday May 29th I will be speaking live in Episode 7 of my free masterclass series and sharing my secrets on ‘‘How SDRs can build a Personal Brand [and make money]’’

You can register here:

Ever felt overwhelmed?

The world tells us we gotta be super fit, earn £500k a year and spend every waking hour with your family to be classed as successful.

I used to struggle with balance.

I’d put too much into one area of my life then neglect another. I switch things up and then neglect the other areas of my life.

It felt like the worlds most annoying hamster wheel to be trapped in.

My professional life took a hit. My personal life took a hit. My health took a hit.

4 years ago I came across a game-changer solution.

In this newsletter, I’m going to share it with you so you can find balance between your sales life and your personal life to achieve what you want ON ALL FRONTS.

Let’s dive in.

The ‘‘4 Quarters Method’’:

This method is the practice of splitting your day into ‘‘4-Quarters’’ [like an American Football game].

Specifically, the method states the 4 quarters must be related to your waking hours.

The typical person has around 8 hours sleep, leaving 16 other hours that you should split into 4 quarters depending on when you wake-up/go to bed.

Here’s a step by step to build yours:

Step 1: Split your day into 4 ‘‘waking hours’’ quarters [if it’s not perfect don’t worry just split the day into 4].

Step 2: Fill each quarter based on what you want to achieve in that time block.

Step 3: Only write a maximum of 3 tasks in each block [they should be the most important]

Here’s an example of mine:

You’ll notice two things - everything is controllable but I don’t restrict my entire day plan to just ‘‘work’’ stuff.

I’m more than just my professional outcomes and I like to make sure my day plan reminds me of that [helps me not beat myself up which I have a habit of].

Which is why I recommend you give each quarter a core focus:

Here’s mine:

Quarter 1 - Family & Fitness

Quarter 2 - Work

Quarter 3 - Work

Quarter 4 - Family, Friends & Hobbies

As an example my work doesn’t go into quarter 1 meaning there are clear boundaries for when that starts and ends.

This means I’m super focused on that one area for that timeframe, I’m more productive and I don’t feel like I’m juggling everything constantly.

Whatever the task- getting fit or writing cold emails I’m able to give that task a lot more of myself without worrying about how much I need to do.

Even better; if I have a ‘‘bad quarter’’ there are always 3 others to make the day a great one.

And that’s it.

That’s my secret sauce to balancing family, friends, fun, fitness & finances [work].

Give it a try.

PS. I’m now a dad of TWO. Please meet baby Violet…

Customer of the Week:

Tom joined the last edition of my SDR Leader Bootcamp, here’s what he had to say…

If you’d like to learn how to lead your SDR team to high performance, check out our SDR Leader Bootcamp 

[Registration closes May 29th, 20 seats only].

Hope you found this weeks newsletter helpful. Please feel free to share this with colleagues if you think it can help them.

Or reply with any questions you have to this email 🙂 

Cheers, Chris

Whenever you’re ready, here are 2 more ways I can help you in 2024:

  1. Outbound Team Training - Make Outbound a 7-Figure Revenue Channel with my bespoke Outbound Training Programmes (2 bookings max per month).

  2. SDR Leader Bootcamp - Go from SDR Manager to SDR Leader & Start Building a High Performance SDR Team. 20 seats max.